Supergirl Peril. Chained Down SWolfmiester2000 9 2. Mature content. Superwoman vs. The Power of Three rustedpeaces 50 26 Supergirl, Ganged Up On SWolfmiester2000 10 9 Crushing The Supergirl chou0328 3 0 look at me while suffering supergirl chou0328 4 0 31st Century rescue 4-20 johnleighs01 22 11 SG-Being Super-Capture2 wwcape 32 2 SG-Being. DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Supergirl is Captured by the Russian Couple McGheeny 54 22. Peril series. Mature content. Part 54: Helping White Owl Back Up TheLeagueOfHeroines 20 5.
Alex, Kara, Winn, J'onn, James are teleported into a room, shortly after Barry, Iris, Cisco,
Caitlyn, Wells, Joe, Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Thea, and Sara appear
'Barry?' said Kara
'What are we doing here?'
'I can answer that' a voice from the back said
'Who are you' said Barry
'I am Minaco'
'Ok.. Minaco what are we doing here?' said Cisco
' Ahh Cisco, you are all here to see each others shows'
'Shows?' said Sara
'I don't have time to start explaining just look at the screen'
'Ok?' said Cisco
'Oh and by the way we're starting with Supergirl'
The tv turns on and we see a young girl and her parents
Mount and blade fire and sword best troops. My name is Kara Zor-el, 24 years ago my planet Krypton was in serious Peril
We see a baby being put in a pod
my cousin Kal-el was sent to a planet called earth for his own safety and protection
you may know his story
The story you don't know is that I was sent to protect him
'But isn't Kal- I mean superman way older than you?' asked Barry
'Watch and you see why' said Kara
'Your pods coordinates are interlocked with Kal-el's you will follow him to earth' said Kara's father
'I'm not afraid father' said Kara
'The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and be with you in your dreams'
'You'll journey to earth to look after your baby cousin Kal-el because of the earth's
yellow sun you'll have great powers on this planet you will do extraordinary things' said Kara's mother
' I won't fail Kal-el or you' said Kara
Kara's mother kisses Kara on her forehead
'I love you Kara' said Kara's mom
A tear falls from Kara's eye
The planet starts to shake
'You must go now' said Kara's mom
Kara starts to walks to her pod but then goes back to hug her mother goodbye
'Go' said Kara's mom
Kara gets into her pod then flies away
This didn't exactly as my mother planned
We see Krypton explode
'No…' said almost everyone in the room
Krypton's explosion sent a shockwave that knocked my pod off course and into the
phantom zone a region in space where time doesn't pass
Kara's pod gets knocked off course by the shockwave and goes into the Phantom zone
I slept there for 24 years
'24 years!' said Cisco
Until somehow I got here
Kara's pod crashes on earth
When I arrived I was still a 13 year old girl but in that same time my cousin Kal-el and
revealed himself to your world as superman the most powerful man in the universe
We see superman putting his hand out to Kara
My cousin wanted me to have the same safe, human type childhood he did so he place
me with his adoptive family the Danvers scientist who once helped him understand his own super abilities
Kara walks up to the Danvers
'I know i'm not your mom sweetheart but you're safe here' said Kara's earth mom (Idk her name)
They had a daughter Alex
A girl is shown looking through the window
And Despite being born on different we both shared one thing we both knew our lives would never be the same again
My cousin he didn't need my protection
Superman flies away
I didn't have a mission anymore
But even though I had all the same powers he did
I decided the best thing I could do is fit in
We see the grown up Kara walking through the streets of National City with her phone and coffee in her hands
After all earth didn't need another hero
'So what made you want to be a hero now?' Asked Oliver

'Just wait and see!' said Minaco
Paste the Dork and don't click search yet. Choose any Dorks in the pastebin link.5.
Authors note: This chapter may involve some violence and torture of the like. It will be split into two chapters as you will see it is lengthy.
CH.5: Torture and peril part one
Kara was exhausted…even for her stamina and endurance for running and flying Cat Grant had worn her down. The sex was just…and the things she knew…there was no way to keep up. Oh sure she could use her strength to turn the table…but she was not a dominant type of gal. When Cat went to take a shower and turning down her invitation she used that time to get dressed and in a rather guilty manner left a note telling her she had a great time and would see her at work. There was no comb to brush her hair and as she left the building it was like the walk of shame.
Kara had been raised proper…learned that girls didn't sleep around and that they needed to have self-respect for one self. If Alex knew about this…if her adoptive parents knew about this what would they think of her? Sleeping with the boss…she doubted this would change their work relationship still she couldn't be in the same elevator as her…dead sign something was changing. As it was she had already told James she liked girls…and going back to that she had yet to tell Winn.
Walking down the hall she heads out the door not really paying attention where she was going. Right now she just had to get to work and pretend like she was regular Kara…bumbling glasses wearing Kara whom was cute and frazzled at times. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she listens to the taxis bunched up with morning traffic. True she could fly to work…but…walking gave her time to think and right now she needed to get her story straight.
As luck would have it she walked straight into Winn who barely managed to save the coffee he was carrying. Pushing her glasses up she offers an apologetic smile and he smiles back in return. 'Fancy meeting you out on the streets…care to walk to work together?'
'Huh…oh yeah sure, love to.' Kara hated herself for breaking his heart. Winn was so sweet and kind, and yet…deep down whatever feelings there might have been deep down they were small and hardly recognizable.
'You seem awfully quiet…and wow…did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?' He laughed lightly moving a hand to her hair and she quickly swatted his hand away.
'I didn't do anything…stop judging me,' Kara didn't mean to snap at him but she was on edge with the whole Cat situation. Plus…Cat would be putting out an article about her today…she was a bit nervous what it would say…or how much it would reveal of last nights…encounter.
'Whoa easy there Kara…it wasn't meant like that…you ok?' Winn was kind to be concerned but really all she needed to do was see this day through without any trouble.
'I'm sorry Winn…just been going through some things. I promise I will tell you when there is some time to spare-.' Kara noted his look and then they were standing at the crosswalk on a green light.
'I think it is safe to say we have plenty of free time right now. I mean we both know this is the busiest street in National City and it hardly relents for hard working journalists like ourselves. So spill…I have been told I am a good listener.' He offers a warm smile and she bows her head with a resigned smile of her own.
'Well…before I tell you note it had nothing to do with you…this was something that I guess was just in the cards, hidden from plain sight you could say. I didn't really notice it a first…didn't think to give it a shred of truth to the matter…and yet…it happened and it just kept building till I had to admit it to myself. I told James…partly because he confessed how he felt about me…and I didn't want to lie to him. I think it was hardest to tell you about it…and now here we are…and I wish I had told you sooner-.'
'What are you trying to tell me Kara…that you are a gay?' Winn laughs a bit but as he looks at her face she gives her best cute smile there is. 'Oh god you are gay…how…when…I've liked you for so long and now you just blew it for me…to be with the one girl who was not only cool but understood my humor.'
Kara sniffed feeling like she let another guy down. First there was James…now Winn…the good thing that came out of this was they could be friends easier knowing neither would…ok that was just wrong and thank goodness she kept it to herself. 'Winn…we are still friends…that won't change-.'
'You don't get it Kara…I loved you…and more than a friend. How do we work in the same vicinity after such a big bomb…and you told James before me…how when we have history?' Winn began walking as the walk sign was shown and she chased after him.
'That is not fair…for starters James wanted me to meet him up on the roof…how was I supposed to know he'd lay his feelings on me then? Also if you loved me…you could have told me…like many times but instead you chose to be silent…so don't blame me for my sexual identity…'
'Can we just stop talking about this alright? I need to focus on my walking…and then my work…and that is going to be hard with you…being you.' Winn walked ahead shaking his head.
'That did not make any sense at all…I am still me!' She yells after him and stands there for a bit, her fists clenched at her side before finally moving as a car honks at her. This day just kept getting better and better…she wondered if Cat was heading to work yet.
Cat was done with her shower and wearing a long shirt over her wet form she shook out her hair and strolled purposefully for the kitchen. 'Kara…you up yet?'
Looking around she spots a note on the table and makes a tsking sound. The girl had slipped out while she was in the shower…which would make her the male and left behind all hopeful was the female, her. It was an odd turn of events, seeing how she did most of the work last night, still it was for the best as neither could show up to work together and throw off the usual work place function.
'Now that I look around…the place looks a lot emptier without her in it. I have that interview I need to get up…I'd best hurry if I am to get it out before night.' Reaching into the fridge she heard the door crash to the floor and as she spun around she saw a dark clothed figure walk in without even apologizing for knocking her door down. 'Hey…do you mind-?'
'Where is Kara Zor-El?' The man spoke with a crisp commanding tone that reminded her of a military General of sorts. She had once interviewed Lois Lane's father, a gruff like man whose uniform might have been too tight for him…his face always seemed irritated for some reason.
'I have no idea who you are talking about…just little ole me living here…by myself,' Cat swallowed a bit not entirely sure how she would fend herself against someone who looked to be going out on a black ops mission.
'Last night paints a different picture I think,' the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a strange device that when lit up showers the room in brilliant cascades of stars before emitting a visual of her in bed with Kara. Kara is under her while she is on top riding her on one of her special toys.
'So that is what I look like having sex…ok…something tells me you didn't steal that from an electronics store. Who are you…and what do you want with Kara?' There was no point denying it any longer, whatever device he had it clearly showed the cold hard evidence.
'My name is Ray…and I hail from the Planet Krytpton, the same as your lover. I was a scientist on the planet experimenting with Kryptonite, my projects funded by the hose of El. Our planet was filled with Kryptonite, many of which affected us differently…and for a while I was making groundbreaking progress…till Kara's mother found my research…unethical, apparently she found evidence and people who told of how I was testing Kryptonite on 'volunteers' and going places I shouldn't. I lost my lab and was imprisoned before finding myself here.'
Cat slowly made her way out of the kitchen wishing she wasn't dressed so…freely for better words. Underneath the shirt she wore a black bra and thong…hoping to surprise Kara…but seeing how she wasn't here maybe this was not such a good option. 'What are your plans with Kara?'
'Back on Krypton while my research was funded by the house of El…I actually was working for a secret organization waiting for the right time to take over. I was trained to…kill those with powers…I guess you could say I am a Kryptonian Bounty Hunter.' Cat slowly backs away hoping she could get to her phone and warn Kara.
'If you will excuse me…I am not properly dressed for a meeting like this,' Kara needed help, Cat figured, and staying around stalling in such attire could be disastrous for her.
'Kara will come for you…and you won't need a cellphone to warn her to stay away as it will only prove futile. Kara can't help saving others…it is just one of her flaws. Unlike her cousin…she has proven to be too soft for the job.' Cat could only imagine what face he was making under that mask of his.
'Kara may have started out slow…but she has proven to be just what National City needs…and given enough time I believe she will shine brighter then Superman!' Cat stood there and as the man approached her she felt her face explode in pain as he slapped her hard. Falling back she hits the floor tasting her own blood. That was no ordinary slap…that hurt like hell.
'I would recommend you cease your speaking lest you wish to experience more pain. Those who had stood up against me have found themselves…regretting it. Now…what shall we do with you till she arrives?'
Cat struggles up and faces off against this intruder who dare threaten her. It was a good thing she kept a gun in the house…not when her son was here of course. Picking up a glass she throws it his way before racing to get the gun. The glass shatters and as she stands in her room she fetches the gun from her dresser and hurries out taking the safety off. 'I have dealt with dirt like you most of my life…think you can come in here and order me about…go ahead…make my day.'
Cat fires but this alien was already moving out of the way of the shot and making his way over to her where he reaches for her gun hand and snaps it down causing her to howl in pain. The gun falls from her grip and she tries to take a swing at him but he elbows her hard then sends her flying through the air and landing with a thud on the hard floor. Tears blinded her and as she held her hand she tasted her own blood as it ran down from her mouth.
'You humans…reckless…no thought goes into your actions. I suppose this was inevitable.' He walks over and she feels his foot connect with her stomach causing her to yell as her vision began to blur a bit. Rolling along the ground she tries to avoid any more damage and pulling herself up around the counter she feels his fist against her face sending her grip slipping from the grip she had and slipping into darkness.
Kara had left work to do somethings as Supergirl, clearly Cat had never shown to work and the last thing she wanted to do was worry. Cat had to have a reason…it wasn't like her to just miss work. Flying around the city she heard about a bank robbery and landing through the roof she picks up one robber and throws him into his partner sending the two skidding along till resting comfortably up against the wall. The one with the shotgun pounded shot after shot into her but she took it…though unlike regular shells these sent her back a beat.
'Robbing is wrong…make a living like anyone else trying to get by,' Kara rushes him as he runs out of ammunition and taking his weapon from him she sweeps his feet and watches as he lands on his back dazed.
'Thank you Supergirl…these three have been causing us problems for a bit now. How can we repay you?' The man who runs the place asks.
'You might want to work on security…just saying it can go a long way and if they keep hitting you they must be getting through too easily.' Kara waves before heading out the way she came and suddenly her ears began to pick up something.
'Kara…if you are hearing this it means you are who I think you are, house of El…and if so I have someone here that matters greatly to you. She will be found where you last saw her…better hurry while she still breathes.'
Kara felt her heart race knowing this day would come. She had great fear that someday someone close to her would be used against her…to lure her into a trap. There was no time telling Alex…not unless she had more time to apologize about not telling her about Cat. Picking up speed she makes it to the apartment in record time and with the door already on the floor she walks in and is hit with Kryptonite right off the bat. 'Ugh…no fair…that is cheating…'
'Sorry…had to be done to level the playing field…unlike you flying is not my forte.' The man walks into view spreading out his arms and it is clear he is wearing a vest with the green rocks all over him. The room itself had several dozen well placed greens throw around.
'Where is she…tell me where she is…' Kara falls to her knees struggling against the one thing that could bring her down.
'You will see her soon enough…for now…I need you knocked out.' Kara sees him curl his fingers into a fist and as it makes its way towards her she is too weak to fend it off and falls to the ground…blood trickling down the side of her head as she closes her eyes.
Authors note: Things look bad for Cat and Kara and the next chapter it will be bad times for Supergirl.