Sample Program In Masm32 Average ratng: 5,7/10 6981 reviews
MASM32 Example - Using Assembly + WinAPI to browse the Internet
; We access the MangaEden API and request a list of the first 25 available manga. I used a buffer size of 5000, but feel free to modify it.
; I basically learned ASM today, just felt like posting this somewhere.
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
; Includes
includelib C:masm32libkernel32.lib
includelib C:masm32libwininet.lib
; Initialized data
szAgent db 'OK ASM is really tedious',0
szUrl db '',0
szFailInternetOpen db 'Failed to InternetOpen.',13,10,0
szFailInternetOpenUrl db 'Failed to InternetOpenUrl.',13,10,0
szFailInternetReadFile db 'Failed to InternetReadFile.',13,10,0
szData db 5000 DUP(0)
; Uninitialized data
hConsoleOutput dd ?
hInternet dd ?
hFile dd ?
bytesWritten dd ?
dwContext dw ?
bytesRead dd ?
failInternetOpen proc
invoke WriteConsole, hConsoleOutput, offset szFailInternetOpen, sizeof szFailInternetOpen, offset bytesWritten,0
jmp complete
failInternetOpen endp
failInternetOpenUrl proc
invoke WriteConsole, hConsoleOutput, offset szFailInternetOpenUrl, sizeof szFailInternetOpenUrl, offset bytesWritten,0
jmp complete
failInternetOpenUrl endp
failInternetReadFile proc
invoke WriteConsole, hConsoleOutput, offset szFailInternetReadFile, sizeof szFailInternetReadFile, offset bytesWritten,0
jmp complete
failInternetReadFile endp
complete proc
invoke CloseHandle, hConsoleOutput
invoke ExitProcess,0
complete endp
; Get write handle
invoke GetStdHandle,-11
invoke InternetOpen, addr szAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT,0,0,0
cmp hInternet,0
je failInternetOpen
invoke InternetOpenUrl, hInternet, offset szUrl,0,0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD,0
cmp hFile,0
je failInternetOpenUrl
invoke InternetReadFile, hFile, offset szData,5000, offset bytesRead
je failInternetReadFile
invoke WriteConsole, hConsoleOutput, offset szData, bytesRead, offset bytesWritten,0
invoke InternetCloseHandle, hInternet
jmp complete
end start
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Dragonball z budokai 3 iso pcsx. This demonstrates a simple 'Hello World' style program for 16-bit (DOS) x86 assembly using Microsoft's free MASM assembler. Masm32 - A complete package for programming Windows™ using its API code and Assembly language. This uses Microsoft's® Assembler program MASM (included), but gets its usefulness from a number of macros, include and library files and examples which a team of people have worked on.

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